About Me

What Separates Me from Others?

The world will always need bridge builders that specialize in getting us from here to there. I consider myself a bridge builder within the business. The industries and departments I have worked within have varied but I have consistently led teams to achieve the objectives we set out to accomplish. At each stop in my career I faced a different set of challenges. Whether building infrastructure and expertise within the business where it previously did not exist or having to assess and analyze a market to create a growth strategy, I answered the call. I like a challenge. The more difficult the task, the more valuable success is and the hungrier I am to dig into things.

How does that translate into me being right for the job? I am well practiced in project management and that helps me approach problems in a methodical and tested manner. I assemble the goals for the team, understand where the individual members strengths, weaknesses and motivations lie and then collaborate with stakeholders to develop a game plan. My experience is in agile project management albeit with my own tricks and tweaks I’ve picked up along my career. Trello, Microsoft Teams, Basecamp, and Slack have been valuable tools to help keep things coordinated and on task. I have become proficient in communicating OKRs and KPIs via business analytics tools and reporting software as well.

Continually Improving and Learning

In 2015 I realized that I needed to bolster skills where I lacked understanding. While I had built a solid track record of project management and supply chain success, I wanted a better understanding of the financial backend of the business. I pushed myself to earn a higher degree and graduated with my M.B.A. in finance. It has been immensely helpful and has opened my eyes to a new side of business that I find fascinating. I had been so focused on creating value in the projects I led that I never stopped to understand how that success flowed to the financial statements. Understanding what builds a business's intrinsic value has been eye opening. It has given me a whole new perspective in my approach.

I have a nose for optimizing processes and I truly enjoy saving time creating automated solutions for mundane tasks. When I joined All Industrial Tool Supply I knew nothing about NetSuite or any of their technology solutions. I spent hours after work and on the weekends learning how to get the most out of this complicated and under utilized system that had been put into place. Within a year I became the de facto IT resource within the company and was leading a team of contract developers on optimization projects. The business had a need and I was determined to fill it in order for our team to grow and succeed. I spearheaded projects that saved hundreds of hours through automation, increased accuracy and reduced shrink in our warehouse operations, and enabled our sales team to better serve our customers by growing their digital toolkit.

Being a Great Employee

Why should you hire me? Because I am awesome to work with! I am an excellent communicator that can manage up, down and all around. I have experience at all levels of organizations. I strive to rise the tide so that those around me become better and, in-turn, we all succeed. I invest in my team, the business I work for, and myself so that we are all consistently improving and performing at our best. I am also a top tier problem solver. That may not sound impressive at first, but I see slapdash problem solving all the time and it leads to expensive endeavors that may not actually solve the root problem. I take care in understanding the problem from many aspects and I work with my team to create the best solution for the long term. If the situation is time sensitive I am entrepreneurial enough to take quick and decisive action.

This is all quite odd to type out because I am not traditionally a self-promoter. I bask in team success. I push myself very hard in my pursuits and I have not always put the effort necessary into marketing myself and I am at a point in my career where I want to take on bigger challenges. In order to get those opportunities I understand that I need to show my worth. I can assure you that I am the hire that businesses wish for. I fit in with teams and culture in nearly every environment and find success quickly.

Other Interests

  • Dedicated cyclist

  • Traveling to new places (38 countries and counting!)

  • Sports fan

  • Insatiably curious about business news and market movements

  • Aspiring private pilot

  • Comedy writing (nothing published, just a hobby)